What is DPLC?
DPLC is a dedicated private circuit,based on point-to-point digital leasedline. It is a “domestic” service betweencustomers’ premises countrywide,forming a backbone for customers’domestic private network.
Demand for DPLC delivery is increasing with growing business needsfor transferring high-bandwidth voice, data and video applications costeffectively.Multinational and National Companies continue to availassured connectivity for their offices and sites situated nationwide. DPLC enables you totransport your data securelyvia a dedicated end-to-end facility based provider with a benefit ofsingle point of contact. DPLC is based on TDM technology which runson layer-1 of the OSI stack and hence it ensures secure data transmission.
Who Benefits?
DPLCs have become an essential requirement for organizationslooking to capitalize on the latest technological developments in theIT and Telecommunication sectors. Some of the broad businesssegments where DPLC services are commonly used include:
- Small & Medium Enterprises
- Telecom Carriers
- Multinational Companies
- Financial Institutions
- Educational Institutions