Domain Name
Having a beautiful website is not enough.
You want to be quickly found on the search engines?
You need a relevant domain name.
You have an idea of website but you have not finished yet.
You must buy your domain name NOW, before an other company takes it. Each domain name being single, you have to be quick at risk of being caught without a relevant domain name for your activity.
WiCAM Domain Name allow you to have
Top-level domain name
registration (.com/.net/.org/.biz/.info...etc)
Local .KH domain name
registration (
Domain Registration
It's quick to register your domain names when you use our service. We give you the benefit of years of experience you can rely on and trust.
Why your choose us?
- Free 24/7 customer support
- Keep your privacy
- A free Under Construction page reserved just for you.
- You can transfer or change ownership at anytime
It is almost a necessity these days for every company to have a web presence. WiCAM corporate web hosting solution gives you a cost-effective solution to buy your company a presence on the World Wide Web. Without the high cost of maintaining your own server, you can focus on the things you do best.
WiCAM provides direct connection to the internet with minimal internet traffic congestion. With its quality state-of-the-art equipment, you can assured of stability and continuous website connectivity, and 24/7 support from its professional and efficient network operation center.